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Sixth Form
The Sixth Form provision here at Ripplevale School is in a bespoke building of spacious rooms. There 3 very large fully equipped teaching rooms, a theory room, a large common room, a computer room and a student kitchen area. Sixth Form also have a catering kitchen on site equipped for delivering catering and hospitality courses. Also on site we have a trade skills and construction building equipped to deliver Gateway courses. Students also have access to the school library, multi-purpose gym, therapy hub and the vast expanse of outside space.
A' Levels in English, History, Business Studies, Environmental Science and Mathematics are also an option for Post 16 students.
Coffee Shop
We also have secured premises along The Strand in Walmer that we will be opening soon as a coffee shop. The coffee shop will also be a base to display artwork, trade skills projects etc
The students in Sixth From will have the opportunity to regularly work within the coffee shop, gain extremely important skills and work experience, which will hopefully lead to future employability. It is envisaged that this will be a coffee shop that will not just be open during term time but will give opportunities for work during holiday time too.
Our aim is for every one of our pupils to leave Ripplevale School as independent and socially competent adults. We want them to be healthy, able to access employment, gain job satisfaction, learn new skills, and to be eager to continue learning. As well as continued learning and the opportunity to gain further academic and vocational qualifications, we teach students many life skills such as independent travel thus helping them gain the confidence to move forward into adult life.
Sixth Form provides a bespoke curriculum tailored to students’ individual needs. The facility provides a transition between School, Further Education – College, apprenticeships and work experience.
Learning reflects students’ outcomes as specified in their Education, Health and Care Plan. For some students this means that they have a highly personalised timetable to address very specific needs. A range of interventions are available to address these needs including: Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Circuits, Numeracy and Literacy intervention, Lego Therapy, Visual Perception, Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation. For all students, there is a clear focus on increasing independence and giving students a range of experiences to inform their progression towards adulthood, and prepare and equip them with the strategies to cope with the world outside of home and school.
Transition to local colleges is facilitated by constant liaison with parents and the college professionals and students are supported by a designated staff member. Visits, transition days and curriculum meetings are all arranged and supported by the school to ensure students are familiar with their new environment, support networks and staff allowing transition to be as smooth and free from anxiety as possible.
Mr Jamie Lovett
Deputy Head
Ripplevale School Sixth Form Curriculum Area
Our Key Stage 5 Curriculum Comprises of:
A' Levels in Mathematics, English, Business Studies, Environmental Science and History
Maths – Entry level, Functional skills, Number and measure awards and GCSE
English – Entry level, Functional skills and GCSE Language and Literature
Careers and exploring work programmes inc impartial advice and guidance provided through CXK and Unifrog
Life Skills inc. Basic cooking, cleaning, finance, travel training and introduction to the wider community
PE (Physical Education) as an activity
Social Development – PSHE(Personal, Social and Health Education)/ Citizenship
SRE (Sex and Relationship Education)
There are also many educational and college visits throughout the year to prepare enrich and extend students’ learning experiences
Work experience
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
And a choice of vocational courses such as:
Gateway qualification in Construction
Gateway Hospitality and catering
Edexcel foundation projects
Cambridge National Creative Imedia
(Ripplevale) gives a much more in-depth teaching of life and personal skills... it cares very much about every boy and looks at personal potential as well as education. My son is growing beautifully at Ripplevale which is all I’ve ever wanted for him.

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