Keeping You Safe. We are Here to Help
You can talk to ANY adult in the school about ANYTHING that is worrying you. However your safeguarding team have a SPECIAL JOB of keeping you SAFE.
Our job means that we are here for any student, parent or member of staff who has a worry about the safety and well-being of a student.
We are here to make sure that all children and young people are kept safe from physical or emotional harm both inside or outside of school.
Do not keep your concerns to yourself – nothing is too small or too big.
If it concerns the well-being of a student that is our job.
We are here to listen to you! We are here for you to talk to at any time during school hours just come and talk to us.
Parents please ring us on 01304 373866 for any help or advice.
It is really important to talk to a member of staff in school if you have any concerns about bullying, your safety or you have any worries.
Your Safeguarding Team
Mr Jamie Lovett (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Jane Norris (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) , Mr Shane Donovan (DSL Trained), Mrs Jemma McFadyen (DSL Trained), Mr David Parsons (DSL Trained), Miss Hayley Morris (DSL Trained)
Want To Talk To Somebody Else?
Here are some websites and contact information to help
Telephone: 0808 800 5000
Telephone Free on; 0800 1111
Telephone; 0300 123 3393
Text; 86463
Papyrus UK
If a child is in imminent danger ring the Local Authority Front Door number on 03000 411 111 (outside of office hours - 03000 419 191) or call the Police on 999.
Our safeguarding policy is available for you to view on Policies page

Mr Jamie Lovett
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Jane Norris
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Karen Hollis
DSL trained

Mrs Jemma McFadyen
DSL trained

Mr Shane Donavon
DSL trained
Mrs Hayley Morris
DSL trained