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Ripplevale School means finally peace of mind. Our lives began again when my son started at this beautiful school. Always ready with warm support and advice, I honestly don’t know what we would have done without this amazing place. A total game changer

Welcome to our Deal campus.
When students first start at Ripplevale, they often bring with them difficulties that they have experienced at previous schools so our first priority is to make them feel welcome and safe. If a mainstream school education has not worked for our students, it is futile to offer them exactly the same again so we try to incorporate teaching a full curriculum but delivered in a different way. Sometimes it is necessary for students to start on a reduced timetable to ease students back into education and this will be tailored around their needs.
It is hoped that all students will take part in every aspect of the curriculum covering Maths, English, Science, Humanities, Food Technology, P.E, Life Skills, PSHE, Design & Technology, R.E, Computing, Art and Outdoor Learning. These subjects are all taught by subject specific staff offering a variety of qualifications according to ability. It is also apparent though, that some students struggle with certain lessons and so bespoke timetables are put into place to ensure that every student feels comfortable with the balance of lessons they receive. We also run an Accelerated Reader programme from our school library providing books for students of all abilities allowing us to continually measure and assess accurately students’ reading age.
Ripplevale School also employ full-time staff delivering Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Wellbeing sessions. This ensures a completely holistic approach and offers our students support in whichever areas they need. In addition to this, we provide counselling sessions as well as Drawing and Talking Therapy and all staff are trained in trauma informed approach.
Whilst students are usually taught according to their age, we also have the opportunity to teach according to their stage of development too so that their ability is always catered for. Towards the end of Key Stage 3 we will decide, in consultation with parents, about which path is most suited into Key Stage 4 whether that be GCSEs, Functional skills or more vocational path. We know though, that the key to any academic success is for a student to feel secure and valued first and foremost.
Secondary and Sixth Form Charter of Experiences
At Ripplevale we believe that our curriculum should not only include learning through the requirements laid out in the National Curriculum but also learning through exciting and enriching experiences.
In light of this, we set up the Charter of Experiences. As part of this Charter, we pledge that all students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities that will broaden their life experiences and develop a wider understanding and appreciation of the world they live in as well as prepare them for adult life.
Secondary Charter of Experience
Sixth Form Charter of Experience
School Day
School Hours are Monday to Thursday 08.30am until 3.25pm and 08.30am until 1pm on a Friday
Upper School
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